A monthly box of fun toys, healthy treats, and other goodies for your cat!

Let's build a better world one cat at a time.


My name is Incanto. Since 2010 I have been working with animals professionally. Before entering the animal wellness field, I endeavored in Archaeology. In 2012 my cat Bastet became a victim of a Veterinarian malpractice and lost his life. I was extremely devastated. It was then when I realized the need for more patience and understanding in the field of treating cats. There is always room for improvement and new advancements so as a part of International House Of Cats I have included a blog and a open door to those who wish to ask questions and be social in hopes of not only helping other cat owners but also a way for all of us to come together. Meanwhile helping charities and cats all around the world receive help and love from our charitable contribution program.

Also apart of the International House of Cat's team is Maahes and Pharaoh.
Maahes is a Siamese Lynx Point. He was born on May 5, 2012 and was adopted by me in September of 2012 from The Animal Foundation. The name Maahes originated in Ancient Egypt as a lion headed god and whose name means "he who is true beside her".
Pharaoh is a short haired tuxedo and is estimated to of been born around June 2010 to 2011. Pharaoh had been living on the streets of Las Vegas as a community cat until I decided to make him apart of my family in June 2017. The name Pharaoh was bestowed to him because he would be the ruler under Maahes in our kitty kingdom.
Last but not least is Bastet the true founder of where this all began. Bastet was a american long hair and was born in October 1999 on a farm in Virginia. Bastet was a true inspiration and travel companion for me and in September 2012 he made his journey to rainbow bridge.

What is International House Of Cats?

IHOC is based around the idea of reuniting mankind. Our mission statement is, "Bringing The World Together One Cat At A Time."
We are helping bridge the gap between people of all nations with the love of cats. We encourage others and those that follow us on social media to discuss and share their cats. In hopes of healing that gap with unity and understanding. Including our cat blog and shop of International Cats, everyone can be social, find facts and strategies and take a look at our exclusive cat art.

Do we give back to our Purrtastic Crew?

You bet we do, our shop features our International Cat's on a wide range of products and unique accessories. When you make a purchase from us 10% of your purchase is donated to charity. Best of all you choose the charity from our drop down menu at check out. To see more about what charities  we support please see our PR / Disclaimer page and look under Charity.

Lastly with any online community there must be rules. We do not support or encourage any type of negativity or hate but we do encourage healthy discussions. You can find our policies on all of our sites and social media platforms under PR / Disclaimer. 

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